Modern Challenges of Designing with BIM Technologies in Ukraine
Modern Challenges in BIM Design Technologies in Ukraine
Despite advancements in industrial and other sectors, design institutions and companies in Ukraine still rely on the rules of calculating the cost of design and survey work as per DBN D.1.1-7-2000.
Over the last 20+ years, companies have been improving their operations by implementing new software for calculations and object design. This has resulted in a significant leap in development and reliability. Modern software not only allows companies to work efficiently and swiftly but also demonstrates to clients the necessity of specific tools. However, when estimating project costs, companies cannot include software expenses, which remain uncompensated by clients.
As of 2024, there is no legislative requirement in Ukraine for mandatory use of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in design and calculations. BIM technologies represent a novel approach to managing digital information in the construction industry, enabling the virtual creation of objects before construction begins.
Currently, Ukraine’s design market without BIM technology is non-competitive globally. Leading European companies and holdings have been rigorously working with BIM for years, making them more attractive in the labor market. Ukrainian giants in the metallurgy sector, like METINVEST and ArcelorMittal, have been employing BIM technologies and their corporate standards for over five years.
BIM design enables better monitoring and verification of required materials and equipment during construction, reducing the potential for manipulation, particularly when budget funds are involved.
BIM programs enhance workflows at all stages, from the initial design phase to construction. Key benefits of BIM modeling for clients include:
1. Rapid completion of client tasks;
2. Simultaneous operation of multiple project teams with oversight;
3. Quick detection of collisions or overlaps in design;
4. Transparency and openness in workflows;
5. 3D visualization for clients at all stages;
6. Material procurement control during design;
7. Reduced construction costs and optimized expenses during operation;
8. Utilization of BIM models in facility management;
9. Client choice of preferred software at the project’s start.
Given these advantages, transitioning to nationwide BIM adoption would positively impact Ukraine’s economy. It would reduce costs and project timelines, improve facility maintenance, and increase oversight efficiency. This would also minimize opportunities for fund misuse by ensuring material volumes are correctly calculated.
Currently, the “DSTU ISO 19650-1:2020 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and constructions, including building information modeling (BIM)” exists as a standard. Furthermore, draft law №6383, “On the Introduction of BIM Technologies at All Lifecycle Stages of Construction Projects,” is under consideration in the Ukrainian Parliament. This bill, proposed by the Committee on State Authority and Urban Development, is at its second reading.
The aim of the draft law is to establish legal conditions for implementing BIM technologies as a key tool for reforming and modernizing Ukraine’s construction industry.
We propose mandating the use of BIM technologies in design and including software costs in the pricing framework per DBN D.1.1-7-2000.
Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Vynohradov, Director and Founder of LLC ‘M TECHNOLOGY,’ Kharkiv.