Private Joint Stock Company “Ukrhydroproject”
The history of Ukrhydroproject began more than 90 years ago, when on May 25, 1927, the Government established the Bureau of Water Research, which eventually turned into a powerful institute for the design of water management and hydropower facilities.
Hydropower cascades on the Dnipro and Dniester, abroad, wind power plants, reservoirs, large canals in Donbas and Naddniprianshchyna, shipping facilities, hydraulic structures of mining facilities, power lines, substations, bridges, roads, construction industry enterprises.
At all stages of development, designing complex and unique structures, the company initiated the implementation of many technical solutions developed and implemented for the first time in the country, which provided not only significant cost savings, but also a new quality.
Having overcome the most severe downturn caused by the transition to new business conditions, Ukrhydroproject has maintained its core focus, personnel core, and rating through active operations both in the domestic and international markets.
Since 1991, 11 hydroelectric power plants have been designed in Vietnam, many of which are already successfully operating and under construction, as well as facilities in Mexico, Venezuela, Laos, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, China and other countries.
Since the mid-90s, the company has been involved in the modernization of safety systems for hydropower facilities in Ukraine.
Since 2000, Ukrhydroproject has been included in the elite organizations of Ukraine, and at the same time, the ISO 9001 quality management system was successfully implemented.
The main key to the company’s successful activity and heritage was and remains highly qualified engineers and project organizers.
The leading specialists of the company have qualification certificates of the All-Ukrainian public organization “Guild of Designers in Construction” for the design of objects, including the CC3 class of responsibility.
In 2010, as part of the structural reorganization of Ukrhydroproject, the Design and Engineering Complex “GRANT” was established, consisting of
PRIVATE JOINT STOCK COMPANY “UKRHYDROPROJECT” is the legal successor of PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY “UKRHYDROPROJECT”, which in turn is the legal successor of Open Joint Stock Company “Ukrhydroproject”.